Professor Kh S Mekheimer, Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Science(Boys), EGYPT.
Prof. Mekheimer born in Egypt 1963, received a B.Sc. in Mathematics from Ain Shams University Cairo (1984), M.Sc. in Thermo-Elasticity from Al-Azhar University (1990), completed his doctorate in Bio-fluid Mechanics at Al-Azhar University in(1994). Currently, he is a professor of Applied Mathematics and Ex-Vice Dean of Research and Post-graduate . Studies at the Faculty of Science (Men), Al-Azhar University, Egypt. He is leading an active group in his field of interest "Bio-Fluids". Many of his student's research earned the prize of the best M. Sc Thesis. & Ph D. Thesis from the Egyptian Mathematical Society (2008, 2012, 2013,2019, 2020,2023). He is Advisory Board Member of the International Islamic Institute for Population Studies and Research, Al-Azhar University 2020, Editor-in-Chief of Al-Azhar Bulletin of Sciences Journal, and Associated Editor of International Journals ( Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society (JOEMS), Discovery of Applied Sciences, Frontiers in Mathematical and Statistical Physics). Consequently, he has earned one of the State highest prizes namely the State Awards of Excellence Prize of Basic Science awarded by the ASRT (Academy of Scientific Research and Technology ) of Egypt 2018, besides other certificates from the Egyptian Mathematical Society (2008, 2012, 2013,2019, 2020,2023) as well as other prizes from Taif University Saudi Arabia, namely the citation prize for Engineering and Basic Science branch 2012, 2013, and 2014 and OBADA-PRIZE for distinguished researcher 2020-by Natural Science Publishing cooperation. Also, the Order of the Republic-First Class Medal ” Science & Arts” from the Egyptian State 2019.Recently Prof Mekheimer was induced in the “Top 2% of world scientists” list published by Stanford University U.S.A., according to the updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicator, 2020 & 2021&2023. Fellow in The African Academy of Sciences (AAS). Membership of the National Mathematics Committee- Egypt 2022 and secretary general.
Professor, Bing Xu, Nanchang Institute of Technology, China.
Professor Gangtao Liang, Dalian University of Technology, China
Prof. Gangtao Liang received his B.Eng. in 2009 and Ph.D. in 2014 from Dalian University of Technology, where he remained as a faculty member. He undertook his postdoctoral research from 2015 to 2017 at Purdue University Boiling and Two-Phase Flow Laboratory (PU-BTPFL), where he was dedicated to experimental investigation and theoretical modeling of two-phase flow and heat transfer. He was appointed to full Professor in 2022 because of his outstanding work in the areas of heat transfer and fluid mechanics. His primary research interests are liquid/vapor phase-change heat transfer and fluid flow, covering evaporation, boiling and condensation in nano-, micro- and macro-scale. He has published over 100 papers, including more than 70 archival journal papers in Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Appl. Therm. Eng., and Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, etc. He is currently a member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), a member of World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies (WSSET), Advisory Board Member of Heat Transfer Division in Cambridge Scholars Publishing, International Advisory Board Member of Thermal Science Journal, and Editorial Board Member of Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing. He also serves as an outstanding reviewer for many international journals.
Professor Yong Huang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China.
Yong Huang is the full professor of the Division of Intelligent Civil Infrastructure at the Harbin Institute of Technology, China and is a National Young Talent. He has a Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics from Harbin Institute of Technology. He also was a Postdoctoral Scholar in department of Computing & Mathematical Sciences and department of Mechanical & Civil Engineering at the California Institute of Technology during the periods of February 2012 until February 2013 and December 2014 until February 2017, respectively.
Yong Huang has published over 80 technical papers, covering topics in structural health monitoring of bridge and High-speed rail track structures, structural system identification, Bayesian compressive sensing, guided-wave testing, machine learning, etc. In most of his researches, he uses a Bayesian machine learning treatment for complex engineering inverse problems. He served as an editor of Sensors journal and is an Associate Editor in Structural Sensing, Control and Asset Management (specialty section of Frontiers in Built Environment). He is the member of the Board of the Structure and Bridge Branch of China Highway and Transportation Society and one of the main drafters of Technical Specifications for Structural Monitoring of Highway Bridges in transportation industry of China.